Dungeon Sandbox Wiki

This page provides answers to popular questions asked by the DS users.

Ask questions in the comments to get them added to this page.

Keep in mind that you can also ask your question in the Discord chat to get them answered quickly by the community or the developer.


Q: What is the maximum size of the dungeon?

A: X and Y coordinates can take values from 0 to 99 and the map is looped (e.g. north of X10 Y99 would be X10 Y0).

Q: How many dungeons can I create at once?

A: You can create as many dungeons as you want, but you can not have more than 3 unpublished dungeons at the same time.

Q: How can I mute the music?

A: Press "Num -" on your keyboard to mute the music and "Num +" to unmute it.
