Dungeon Sandbox Wiki

This section has all the information on event object editing using an Event Tool.

Important note - object IDs[]

  • Each object has its own ID which can be used to make other objects interact with it, e.g. make a switch open/close a door.

1. Wall objects[]


(Catalog of Doors)

Field | Option Definition Default value

Non-activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a closed door.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent an open door.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Needed Item[]

Insert a name of an item (or multiple possible item names separated by ";" without spaces) that can be used to open the door (or to reduce its extra triggers by 1 in case there are any).

(Item) Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once the door is opened with an item.

(Item) Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once the door is opened with an item.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Spent Upon Use[]

Leave unchecked if you want an item needed to open the door to be left in the inventory after use. No

Initially Open[]

Check if you want the door to be open from the start. No

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a door to open/close. Any object with extra triggers is one-off. 0

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info[]

A text or image put on a same wall as a door will be shown shortly when a player clicks on it while it is shut.


(Catalog of Switches)

Field | Option Definition Default value

Non-activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a switch in its unused (initial) state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a switch in its used state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.



Modify switch position, size, transparency, etc. using CSS syntax. Read more here.

Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once a player uses the switch.

Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once a player uses the switch.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Single Use[]

If checked, it won't be possible to use the switch twice (unless, for example, it is recovered by some other switch or button that targets its ID). No


If checked, the switch will not be marked on the map unless it is pressed. No

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.


(Catalog of Portals)

Field | Option Definition Default value

Non-activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a portal in its inactive state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a portal in its active state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.



Coordinates of destination location and direction of a player appearing on it in the following format: Level-X-Y-Direction, e.g. 1-51-51-1.

You can insert multiple destinations by separating them with a comma (",") without spaces. In this case destination location will be chosen randomly between inserted options.

Your current position and direction

Activating Item[]

Name of an item (or multiple possible item names separated by ";" without spaces) that can be used to activate the portal.

Item Spent Upon Use[]

Leave unchecked if you want an item needed to activate the portal to be left in the inventory after use. No

Initially Active[]

Uncheck if you want the portal to be inactive from the start. Yes

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a portal to get activated/deactivated.

Any object with extra triggers is one-off.


Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Question Panel[]

Field | Option Definition


A question or any other text.

You can also put an image link of .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif format here.


Type in an answer (or multiple possible answers separated by ";" without spaces) that a player needs to submit to activate question panel targets.

Answers are not case sensitive.

Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once the question panel is solved.

Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once the question panel is solved.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.


Modify question text (or image) position, size, transparency, etc. using CSS syntax.

Read more here.

To remove transparent black background, input "panel-background: none" in this field.

Initially Hidden[]

Check if you want the question panel to be initially hidden.


You can create an item that would be given as a prize for solving the question panel.

1) To create an item - type in a unique word, word combination, etc. that the item will be identified by.

2) To create a treasure - insert any link, e.g. to a SteamGifts giveaway.

If Item Description field is empty, this field is shown in the inventory instead of it.

Item Image[]

A link to any picture here that will represent an item.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.

Item Description[]

An item description that can be read in the inventory when a player puts a cursor over an item.

Item Amount[]

Amount of items a player will get.

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info:[]

When a player enters a correct answer, the question panel disappears and wall decoration gets revealed.


(Catalog of Exits)

Field | Option Definition Default Value


A link to any picture that would represent an exit.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Escape Background[]

A link to a large (HD) image that will be shown as a results screen background - an environment where a player escapes to from your dungeon. /images/objects/exit/default_background.jpg

Completion Prize[]

Any text, link, image, video, etc. you want a player to get as a completion prize, e.g. some links to extra giveaways on SteamGifts.

Completion prize is the same regardless of the exit a player uses to complete the game (in case there are several exits in the dungeon).

Completion Music[]

ID of a music that would be played on the completion screen.

0 or negative value means no background music.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info:[]

A dungeon must have at least one exit, otherwise it won't be possible to publish it.


Field | Option Definition Default Value

Text / Image / Video[]

Insert any text, link to an image or YouTube video that will be shown while Hider is active.


Modify text/image style using CSS syntax. Read more here.


Check to make it impossible for Hider object to be triggered more than once.

Initially Inactive[]

Check if you do not want the Hider to hide/replace the content initially. No

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a hider to hide/reveal the content.

Any object with extra triggers is one-off.


Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info:[]

Creator can see an eye icon on hider spot when it is active and has no tex/image/video set - this icon is, however, not visible to players. "Hide Options" option hides such icons and lets the creator see their dungeon as a player would see it.

2. Floor Objects[]

Item Chest[]

(Catalog of Chests | Catalog of Items)

Field | Option Definition Default value

Closed Chest Image[]

A link to any picture here that will represent a closed chest.

Remove it if you want an item not to be contained in a chest.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Open Chest Image[]

A link to any picture here that will represent an open chest.

Remove it if you want an item not to be contained in a chest.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.

Min Width Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the minimum size of the chest - use it to make the chest smaller.

Value is a percentage of the tile area the chest is located on.

Max Width Value in a range from 1 to 100 that defines the maximum size of the chest - use it to make the chest bigger.

Value is a percentage of the tile area the chest is located on.



1) To create an item - type in a unique word, word combination, etc. that the item will be identified by.

2) To create a treasure - insert any link, e.g. to a SteamGifts giveaway.

If Item Description field is empty, this field is shown in the inventory instead of it.


Item Image[]

A link to any picture here that will represent an item.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.

Min Width Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the minimum size of the item - use it to make the item smaller.

Value is a percentage of the tile area the item is located on.

Max Width Value in a range from 1 to 100 that defines the maximum size of the item - use it to make the item bigger.

Value is a percentage of the tile area the item is located on.


Item Description[]

An item description that can be read in the inventory when a player puts a cursor over an item. The key to all doors

Item Amount[]

Amount of items a player will get.

(Pick Up) Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once an item gets picked up.

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.


(Catalog of Gates)

Field | Option Definition Default value


A link to any jpeg, .jpg or .png image that would be the texture of the gate. /images/textures/gate/default.png

Repeat Texture[]

Checking Repeat option will make a texture repeat itself within an object instead of scaling to the whole object size. No

Needed Item[]

Name of an item (or multiple possible item names separated by ";" without spaces) that can be used to open the gate (or to reduce its extra triggers by 1 in case there are any).

Spent Upon Use[]

Leave unchecked if you want an item needed to open the gate to be left in the inventory after use. No

(Item) Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once the gate is opened with an item.

(Item) Target IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once the gate is opened with an item.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Initially Open[]

Check if you want the gate to be open from the start. No

Opening Direction[]

Choose whether a gate will open upwards or outwards. Upward

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a gate to open/close.

Any object with extra triggers is one-off.


Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Interactive Wall[]

Field | Option Definition Default value


Check if you want to make it a "fake" wall that can be walked through. No

Needed Item[]

Insert a name of an item (or multiple possible item names separated by ";" without spaces) that can be used to open the wall (or to reduce its extra triggers by 1 in case there are any).

Spent upon Use[]

Leave unchecked if you want an item needed to open the wall to be left in the inventory after use. No

(Item) Target IDs[]

Insert an ID of a target event object or multiple events separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once the door is opened with an item.

(Item) Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once the door is opened with an item.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Initially Open[]

Check if you want the wall to be open from the start. No

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a wall to open/close. Any object with extra triggers is one-off. 0

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Attach Object[]

Click an object that would be attached to the interactive wall.

Floor Button[]

(Catalog of Floor Buttons)

Field | Option Definition Default value

Non-activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a floor button in its released state. /images/objects/floor_button/default.jpg

Activated Image[]

A link to any picture that would represent a floor button in its pressed state. /images/objects/floor_button/default_pressed.jpg

Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once a player steps on the unpressed button.

Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once a player steps on the unpressed button.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Single Use[]

If checked, the button will stay pressed even if a player steps out of it.

It can be reversed to the released state once triggered by some other objects, e.g. a lever or other floor button.


Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info:[]

Removing Non-activated Image mutes the triggering sound, allowing the button to activate events silently.


Field | Option Definition Default Value

Text / Image / Video[]

Insert any text or a link to an image or YouTube video that will be shown while Hider is active.


Modify text/image style using CSS syntax. Read more here.


Check to make it impossible for Hider object to be triggered more than once.

Initially Inactive[]

Hider doesn't hide/replace the content initially. No

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for a hider to hide/reveal the content. Any object with extra triggers is one-off. 0

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.

Additional info:[]

Creator can see an eye icon on hider spot when it is active and has no tex/image/video set - this icon is, however, not visible to players. "Hide Options" option hides such icons and lets the creator see their dungeon as a player would see it.


Field | Option Definition Default Value


Check if you want to make it possible to walk through the NPC even while it is active. No

Tooltip Name[]

Text that would be displayed when a player moves a cursor over an NPC.

Active Image[]

Link to any picture here that will represent an NPC in its active state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.


Min Width (active)[]

Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the minimum size of active NPC - use it to make NPC bigger.

Value is a percentage of the tile area an NPC is located on.


Max Width (active)[]

Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the maximum size of active NPC - use it to make NPC smaller.

Value is a percentage of the tile area an NPC is located on.


Inactive Image[]

Link to any picture here that will represent an NPC in its inactive state.

It is recommended to use pictures of .png format with transparent areas.

Min Width (inactive)[]

Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the minimum size of inactive NPC - use it to make NPC bigger.

Value is a percentage of the tile area an NPC is located on.


Max Width (inactive)[]

Value in a range from 0 to 100 that defines the minimum size of inactive NPC - use it to make NPC smaller.

Value is a percentage of the tile area an NPC is located on.


Lays on the Floor[]

Check if you want an inactive image of an NPC to be "laying" on the floor (making image display horizontally).

Initially Inactive[]

Check if you want an NPC to have an inactive state from the start.

Needed Item[]

Name of an item (or multiple possible item names separated by ";" without spaces) that can be used to make an NPC inactive (or to reduce its extra triggers by 1 in case there are any).

Spent Upon Use[]

Leave unchecked if you want an item needed to trigger an NPC to be left in the inventory after use.

(Item) Target IDs[]

ID of a target event object or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - targets get triggered once the NPC becomes inactive after item use.

(Item) Transfer IDs[]

ID of a transfer event or multiple IDs separated by comma (",") without spaces - transfer events happen once the NPC becomes inactive after item use.

Use Transfer Tool to create or edit transfer events.

Extra Triggers[]

Extra triggers required for an NPC to get activated/deactivated.

Any object with extra triggers is one-off.


Check to make it impossible for NPC to be activate/deactivated more than once.

Messages (by ID)[]

ID of an event message that will be shown when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Remote messages have priority over all other messages!

Use Message Tool to create or edit event messages.

Sounds (by ID)[]

ID of a sound effect that would be played when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes the default sound effect.

Use Audio Tool to create or edit sound effects.

Music (by ID)[]

ID of a music that the current background music would be switched to when the object is triggered in a certain way.

Setting this value to -1 mutes currently playing music.

Remote music has priority!

Use Audio Tool to create or edit music.
