Dungeon Sandbox Wiki

Sounds can be played upon different interaction with the dungeon objects.

Music can start/stop playing or switch upon different interaction with the dugneon objects as well.

Setting sound and music

Use Files section of the Assets to upload an audio file, and then set it as a Sound or Music in corresponding sections.

Important note

Using WAV format is not recommended due to the file size - if possible, use OGG or MP3 audio files.

Attaching sound effects and music to event objects

You can attach sound effects and music to event objects (or replace default sound effects) which have such option.

In case of Sound: sound effect will then be played upon certain interaction with the object (and instead of a default sound effect if the object has any).

In case of Music: set music will start playing upon certain interaction with the object (or currently playing music wiill be switched to the set music).

You can see which objects sound effects and music can be attached to in this Wiki-section.
